Manbhav -The Wellness World
We provide the best trainings for various aspects of life and life skills that will help individuals to shape up personality, cultivate healthy relationship and manage life well. We design a customized training that best suits an individual taking his personality, circumstances and other important attributes in account.
At ManBhav, you will get various trainings to enhance your skills and enrich your life, here is the glimpse:
Wellness360 Program: ·The Holistic approach of wellness360 is an integration of modern life and great heritage of traditional values. It’s a valuable cocktail to nurture the participant’s life and groom in best possible ways, blending the various cultural approaches and philosophical guidance gathered from across the globe.All aspects of physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual wellness are addressed in specific ways considering the background and needs of the participants.
DEI(Diversity Equity and Inclusion) Training: We provide very valuable learning and various implementation strategies for this unique concept.
First Aid Training: We train the employee for providing physical and psychological first aid in case of crisis/injury/sudden illness.
Work-Life Balance Training: We help clients to find a balance between work, family, and personal life to reduce stress and improve overall well-being..
Stress Management Training: We teach stress-reduction techniques and coping strategies to help individuals manage and alleviate stress in their daily lives.
Conflict Resolution Training: We provide strategies for resolving conflicts in a constructive and positive manner, whether in personal or professional settings.
Assertiveness Training: Individuals can learn how to express their needs, opinions, and boundaries confidently and assertively.
Resilience Training: We help individuals develop the ability to adapt to change and bounce back from adversity.
Self Hypnosis Training: We help individuals develop the ability to induce hypnotic trance state by ownself and use the power of autosuggestions for growth as well as resolving issues..
Body language modification Training: We provide gesture and posture training based on your body language assessment, routine and professional background. This training shapes your personality and elevates you in your personal, social and professional fronts.